Level 3


By the end of Level 3, students demonstrate the following skills in English.

Speaking and Listening

When interacting with others, students extend topic-specific and appropriate vocabulary and use cooperation strategies and interaction skills to contribute to discussions.

They explore the language of evaluation and emotion.

When speaking to an audience, students deliver short spoken texts, exploring topics and text types, including multimodal or digital elements, and using features of voice.

Reading and Viewing

When reading and viewing, students engage with a range of different types of texts...

Content descriptions – Level 3


By the end of Level 3, students order and represent natural numbers beyond 10 000, classify numbers as either odd or even, and use the properties of odd and even numbers. They partition, rearrange and regroup two- and three-digit numbers in different ways to assist in calculations. Students extend and use single-digit addition and related subtraction facts and apply additive strategies to model and solve problems involving two- and three-digit numbers. They use a range of strategies to apply mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving single-digit multiplication and division, recalling multiplication facts for twos, threes, fours,...

Content descriptions – Level 3


By the end of Level 4, students identify and describe how they use movement to create and/or make dances. Students recall and describe where, when, why and how dance is created and presented across cultures, times, places and other contexts including the work of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Students experiment with the elements of dance when devising dances or learning dances by other artists. They apply safe dance practices, and use the elements of dance and a range of movements to communicate ideas, perspectives and meanings. Students present and share their dance work in informal...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4


By the end of Level 4, students identify and describe how expressive skills, performance skills and elements of drama are used to create, perform and experience drama works. They recall how drama is created and presented across cultures, times, places and other contexts, including the work of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Students experiment with the elements of drama when devising drama or interpreting scripts. They use the elements of drama and expressive and performance skills to create drama work using a range of forms to communicate ideas and meanings. They present and/or perform their work...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4

Media Arts

By the end of Level 4, students identify and describe the media languages and media technologies used to construct representations in media arts works they experience and/or produce. They recall where, when, why and how media arts works are created and distributed across cultures, times, places and other contexts, including the work of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Students explore and experiment with media arts production processes and technologies. They use media languages, technologies and production processes to communicate ideas, perspectives and meaning in media arts works. Students share their work in informal and formal settings...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4


By the end of Level 4, students identify and describe how elements of music are used in music they compose and/or perform. They recall where, when, why and how music is created and presented across cultures, times, places and other contexts, including the music of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Students use ​​listening skills when performing, composing and listening to music. Students use music knowledge and skills to create music in a range of forms that communicates ideas, perspectives and meaning. They perform their work in formal and informal settings.

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4

Visual Arts

By the end of Level 4, students identify and describe the use of visual conventions, visual arts processes and materials in artworks they create and/or experience. They recall where, when, why and/or how visual artists create and/or display artworks across cultures, times, places and other contexts, including the work of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Students explore and experiment with visual conventions, materials and processes to develop their visual arts practice. They use visual conventions, visual arts processes and materials to create artworks that communicate ideas, perspectives and meaning. They present and/or display their artworks and/or...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4

Critical and Creative Thinking

By the end of Level 4, students identify, construct and use open and closed questions for different purposes. They describe and use simple strategies to generate and evaluate new ideas and possibilities, reflecting on the effect of pre-established preferences.

Students identify a conclusion justified by a range of reasons, and structure and communicate a conclusion justified by a range of reasons. They use evidence, values, criteria and ‘if-then’ thinking to support their reasoning and identify errors in examples of ‘if-then’ thinking.

Students practise and use an extended range of general learning strategies. They represent and use thinking...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4

Ethical Capability

By the end of Level 4, students describe ethical concepts using examples from a range of situations. They identify an ethical perspective and describe influences on the ethical perspective.

Students identify an ethical dilemma or issue and describe the ethical perspectives and concepts involved. They identify actions in response to an ethical issue and identify the consequences, with reference to ethical concepts. Students describe a selected action and reasons for the decision made, with reference to the ethical significance of an outcome and how it is achieved. They describe ethical perspectives on a decision made in response...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4

Health and Physical Education

By the end of Level 4, students describe influences that strengthen resilience and identity. They describe strategies to respond to physical, social and emotional changes and transitions they experience. They apply personal and social skills and strategies to interact respectfully with others. Students describe the influences that inclusion and the challenging of stereotypes have on choices and actions. They explain the variation in emotional responses and describe strategies to manage emotions. They describe and apply protective behaviours and help-seeking strategies that can help keep themselves and others safe in online and offline situations. Students interpret health information...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4

Civics and Citizenship

By the end of Level 4, students explain how decisions can be made democratically and the role of local government. They describe the importance of rules and distinguish between rules and laws. Students describe how people participate in their community as active citizens, their rights and responsibilities, and factors that shape a person’s identity and communities.

Students identify questions to investigate civics and citizenship issues. They describe democratic institutions and systems using information and sources. They describe contemporary civics and citizenship issues and use consensus-building and deliberation to negotiate outcomes together.

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4


By the end of Level 4, students describe continuity and change in their community and the significance of events, symbols and emblems in the celebration of Australia’s identity and diversity. They describe the significant events and the experiences and perspectives of people in Australia between 1750 and 1800. They describe causes and consequences of early colonisation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, new arrivals and the environment.

Students ask a range of historical questions to identify evidence of the experiences of people in the past. They sequence events and life stories in chronological order to identify...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4

Intercultural Capability

By the end of Level 4, students describe similarities and differences among diverse cultures and describe ways in which diverse cultural and worldview communities foster a sense of belonging and inclusion. They explain what they can learn about themselves and others from intercultural experiences and identify and describe ways to build intercultural understanding among culturally diverse groups and individuals, including through intercultural experiences.

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4

Personal and Social Capability

By the end of Level 4, students describe how different situations and interactions can affect emotional responses and behaviours. They explain a range of ways to support themselves and others in personal and social contexts, including consideration of the outcomes of behaviour and actions. They explain the importance of inclusion, collaboration and different perspectives in different contexts.

Students describe similarities and differences between individuals and groups, and how these impact relationships. They explain ways to monitor and modify attitudes, actions and behaviours in personal, collaborative and other social contexts, considering similarities and differences between people.

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4


By the end of Level 4, students explain the role of data in scientific inquiry. They provide examples to explain how needs have been met or problems have been solved through applying scientific knowledge, skills and data.

Students classify and compare the characteristics of living, once-living and non-living things. They compare the life cycles of different plants and animals, and describe similarities and differences between parents and offspring at different stages of growth. They identify the roles of organisms in a habitat, and construct food chains. They classify solids, liquids and gases based on observable properties,...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4

Chinese (F–10 Sequence)

By the end of Level 4, students use Chinese to initiate structured interactions and share information related to the classroom and their personal worlds. They use modelled language to participate in spoken and written activities. They locate and respond to key items of information in texts, using strategies to help interpret and convey meaning in familiar contexts. They use modelled language and basic grammatical structures to create texts. They use familiar Hanzi appropriate to context and make connections between Hanzi and the spelling and tone marks of Pinyin.

Students imitate the sounds, tones, pronunciation and intonation...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4

French (F–10 Sequence)

By the end of Level 4, students use French to initiate structured interactions and share information related to the classroom and their personal worlds. They use modelled language to participate in spoken and written activities. They locate and respond to key items of information in texts, using strategies to help interpret and convey meaning in familiar contexts. They use modelled language and basic grammatical structures to create texts.

Students imitate the sound combinations and rhythms of spoken French. They demonstrate their understanding that French has non-verbal, spoken and written language conventions and rules to convey meaning....

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4

Italian (F–10 Sequence)

By the end of Level 4, students use Italian to initiate structured interactions and share information related to the classroom and their personal worlds. They use modelled language to participate in spoken and written activities. They locate and respond to key items of information in texts, using strategies to help interpret and convey meaning in familiar contexts. They use modelled language and basic grammatical structures to create texts.

Students imitate the sound combinations and rhythms of spoken Italian. They demonstrate their understanding that Italian has non-verbal, spoken and written language conventions and rules to convey meaning. They...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4

Japanese (F–10 Sequence)

By the end of Level 4, students use Japanese to initiate structured interactions and share information related to the classroom and their personal worlds. They use modelled language to participate in spoken and written activities. They locate and respond to key items of information in texts, using strategies to help interpret and convey meaning in familiar contexts. They use modelled language and basic grammatical structures to create texts. They use Hiragana and some simple Katakana and frequently used Kanji with support, appropriate to context.

Students imitate the sounds, pronunciation and intonation patterns of spoken Japanese. They demonstrate...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4

Design and Technologies

By the end of Level 4, students explain how people design products, services and environments to address needs or opportunities that consider sustainability. For each of the 4 Technologies Contexts sub-strands, they describe the features and uses of technologies, and create designed solutions. Students describe needs or opportunities for designing, and they produce, document and select design ideas against design criteria. They communicate design ideas, using models and drawings as well as annotations and symbols, and they test materials and processes needed to create designed solutions. Students plan and sequence steps, and use technologies and techniques to...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4

Digital Technologies

By the end of Level 4, students securely access and use digital systems and their peripherals for a range of purposes. They explain how data is transmitted between digital systems.

Students represent different types of data for different purposes. They organise and present different types of data using software tools. Students use the core features of common digital tools to create, locate and communicate content for an audience. They use digital tools to plan tasks, share content and collaborate following agreed behaviours. Students identify and recognise the risks to their personal data in online accounts.

Students describe...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4


By the end of Level 4, students identify and describe characteristics of diverse places and environments. They describe the functions and the characteristics of world climates and vegetation, interconnections between Australia and other parts of the world, and the sustainability of natural resources.

Students develop questions and locate, collect and record information and data from a range of sources in a range of formats. They represent and analyse the information collected and draw conclusions. Students propose considered actions or responses and their impact. They use ideas from sources, geographical knowledge and concepts (space, interconnection and environment) to...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4