Media Arts




By the end of Foundation, students describe experiences, observations, ideas and feelings about media arts works they encounter at school, home and in the community. Students develop an understanding of media arts processes. They use play, imagination and experimentation with media arts processes to create media arts works. Students make and share media arts works to communicate their experiences and ideas.

Content descriptions – Foundation

Levels 1 and 2

By the end of Level 2, students identify where they experience media arts. They describe where, when, why and how people across cultures, times, places and/or other contexts experience media arts. Students experiment with media production processes. They use media arts languages and technologies to construct representations in media arts works. Students share their work with audiences in informal settings.

Content descriptions – Levels 1 and 2

Levels 3 and 4

By the end of Level 4, students identify and describe the media languages and media technologies used to construct representations in media arts works they experience and/or produce. They recall where, when, why and how media arts works are created and distributed across cultures, times, places and other contexts, including the work of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Students explore and experiment with media arts production processes and technologies. They use media languages, technologies and production processes to communicate ideas, perspectives and meaning in media arts works. Students share their work in informal and formal settings...

Content descriptions – Levels 3 and 4

Levels 5 and 6

By the end of Level 6, students explain how media languages and media technologies are used in media arts works they construct and experience. They describe how media arts works are created across cultures, times, places and other contexts to communicate ideas, perspectives and meaning. They identify how media arts are used to continue and revitalise cultures, including the work of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Students develop ideas in media arts works using media languages and production processes. They select and use media languages, media technologies and production processes to construct representations in media arts...

Content descriptions – Levels 5 and 6

Levels 7 and 8

By the end of Level 8, students analyse the use of media arts concepts in media arts works they produce and experience. They describe ways in which media arts concepts in media arts works from across cultures, times, places and other contexts communicate ideas, perspectives and meaning, including the works of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. They identify and describe how and why respectful approaches are used in creating and responding to media arts works.

Students select and manipulate media languages, technologies and production processes to construct representations. They document and reflect on their media arts...

Content descriptions – Levels 7 and 8

Levels 9 and 10

By the end of Level 10, students analyse and evaluate how and why media arts concepts are manipulated to construct representations in media arts works they produce and experience. They evaluate how and why media artists across cultures, times, places and/or other contexts use media arts concepts to represent and/or challenge ideas, perspectives and/or meaning, including the practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander creators and producers. They evaluate how media arts are used to celebrate and challenge perspectives of Australian identity, including the media arts works of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Students use media...

Content descriptions – Levels 9 and 10